Monday, January 16, 2006

Este não devia ser um dos amigos da calhandrice do Presidente derrotado ao Parlamento Europeu, pois não?

"(...) Then a unusual thing happened. In the privacy of that room, our European partners dared to be seen to be agreeing with the British Prime Minister.With the exception of Anibal Cavaco Silva, the highly intelligent Portuguese Prime Minister, few of them had any thecnical understanding of economics. But they could all see that the old ways were not working.(...)

To the north, Rudd Lubbers of the Netherlands tended to be among Britain´s closest friend... I often found him an ally, as, sometimes, was the likeable Anibal Cavaco Silva of Portugal, for whom I had a great deal of respect."

John Major-The Autobiography(Harper Collins-1999,2000) in a


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